Special Offers for All Patients

We want to make it as easy as possible for all Northfield residents to get the dental care they need. Whether you are new to our office or a longtime patient we’re here for you & will make sure you pay as little as possible, in some cases nothing at all, for our excellent services.

Insured Patients Pay $0 For:

Cleanings for Adults & Kids
Fluoride for Kids

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mother and daughter
smiling couple

Affordable Individual & Family Dental Coverage

Starting at less than $1/day, our low-cost in-house dental plan can cover your entire family. For a small annual fee, you’ll receive free regular cleaning & general care. Crowns, fillings & bridges, as well as cosmetic care, are available at a lower out-of-pocket cost. Call us today for details!

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Special Financing Available

Insured & uninsured patients alike have a number of financing options available to them, including:

  • Convenient Payment Plans
  • 0% Financing
  • In-Office Dental Plans

All Insurance Welcome & Maximized

We stand behind the idea that affordable dental care should be a right for everyone & you can rest assured that we will work with you to ensure you pay as little out of pocket as possible for all services.

446 North Central Avenue, Suite 200
Northfield, IL 60093
Call Today

Welcome Weekdays 7am–8pm & on Saturdays!